- How to let go of blame …. Bergamot oil… What if you had done more. It is the way it is you have to take comfort that you did your best and it was their time to go, remember they are at peace.
- How to fill the emptiness… Geranium oil…Look for comforting things, Spend more time and love on other things that bring you joy and comfort, other pets you may have if any, spend time with other friends that have pets and hug them.
- Think of your pet and send them love, imagine them nestled in your heart space, They will always be in your memory.
- Send them gratitude for their time in your life. Their time with you was a gift as sad as their passing it is impossible that hey can be in our lives forever.
- Remember that they had a great life with you, You took care of them, they are quite in tune with your feelings in the afterlife. If they come in your dreams they are showing you they are by your side.
- Think of all the funny things they did, remember the laughter and joy they bought into your life, thinking about the funny times helps mend your heart.
- Look through old pictures, make up a folder or board full of memories.
- Give yourself time, it is important to give yourself time, each day will get easier and then some days will be harder, but it will feel easier to accept in time.
- Allow yourself grief, crying does help, do not be ashamed to cry it is natural to have these feelings and while not everyone that s not a pet owner will understand it does not mater, there are many many more that do. Share your feeling with. Share your feeling with others and you will see that many family and friends have also experienced similar feelings.
- In time when you are ready you may consider a rescue pet, so many loving fur babies are waiting for love and a secure and loving home.
10 Drops of Begamot Oil
7 Drops of Cypress Oil
6 Drops of Gernaium Oil
5 Drops of Ylang Ylang
6 Drops of Lavendar Oil (Serenity Oil)
Mix in a 10 mil Roller Bottle with fractunated coconut oil and rub over heart for 2 months.